来自网友【BygoneEra】的评论Ep03 Rick对爱的虚无主义解读以及和心理治疗师的对话 Rick: We dont buy into that crap to the extent that love is an expression of familiarity over time, my access to infinite timelines precludes this necessity of attachment. Dr. Wong: Why didnt you want to come here? Rick: Because I dont respect threapy, because I invent, create, transform and destroy for a living, and when I dont like something about the world, I change it. I dont think going to a rented office in a strip mall to listen some agent of averageness explain which words mean which feelings has ever helped anyone do anything. I think its helped a lof of people get comfortable and stop panicking, which is a state of mind we value in the animals we eat, but not something I want for myself. I'm not a cow, I'm a pickle, when I feel like it. Dr. Wong: Rick, the only connection between your unquestionable intelligence and the sickness destroying your family is that everyone in your family, you included, use intelligence to justify sickness. You seem to alternate between viewing your own mind as an unstoppable force and as an inescapable curse. I think it's the only truly unapproachable concept for you is that it's your mind within your control. You chose to come here, you chose to talk to belittle my vocation, just as you chose to become a pickle. You are the master of your universe, and yet you are dripping with rat blood and feces. You enormous mind literally vegetating by your hand. I have no doubt you would be bored senseless by threapy, the same way I'm bored when I brush my teeth and wipe my ass. Because the thing about repairing, maintaining and cleaning is it's not an adventure. There's no way to do it so wrong you might die. It's just work. The bottom line is, some people are okay going to work and some people would rather die. Each of us gets to choose. Ep05 Rick揭露Jerry的虚伪 Jerry: You took my family! Rick: I took your family? Who do you think had taken more from them when you shot 20ccs liquid of dream-killer into my daughter? ... You act like a prey, but you're a predator. You use pity to lure in your victim, that's how you survive... You survive because people think 'oh this poor piece of shit. He never gets a break. I cant stand the deafening silent wails of his wilting soul.' Ep07 Rick: Morty, he's not gonna donate; You're pitching the Policeman's Ball to a black teenager. (注: Policeman's Ball is a charity event for the police) Morty竞选总统的演讲: The division I see is between the Ricks and Mortys that like the Citadel divided and the rest of us. I see it everywhere I go. I see it in our schools where they teach Mortys we're all the same because they're threatened by what makes us unique. I see it in our streets, where they give guns to Mortys so we're too busy fighting each other to fight injustice. I see it in our factories where Ricks work for a fraction of their bosses' salary even though they're identical and have the same IQ. The problem with Citadel is not homeless Mortys or outraged Ricks but the Ricks and Mortys feeding on the Citadel's death. I've got a message from the Ricks and Mortys keeping it alive, to the Ricks and Mortys that don't: You're outnumbered. Ep09 Rick的虚无主义 Beth: Dad, I spent my whole life pretending you're a great guy and trying to be like you. And the ugly truth has always been... Rick: That I'm not that great guy and you're exactly like me. Beth: Am I evil? Rick: Worse, you're smart. When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours. And I've never met a universe that was into it. The universe is basically an animal. It grazes on the ordinary. It creates infinite idiots just to eat them, not unlike your friend, Tommy. Smart people get a chance to climb on top, take reality for a ride, but it'll never stop trying to throw you. And eventually, it will, and there's no other way off. Beth: If nothing matters, why would you do that for me? Rick: Maybe you matter so little that I like you. Maybe it makes you matter. Maybe I love you. Don't jump a gift shark in the mouth. Beth: I'm not sure if I can do that. Rick: Then stay, and luxuriate in a life, you can finally know what you've chosen. My secret bonus is that no matter what you choose, you'll finally chill the fuck out. Ep10 关于如何判断你是否是克隆人 Beth: Am I the clone? Did the real me choose to live and I only think I chose to stay because that's what I need to think and because I'm the replacement Beth? Rick: No. Beth: One more thing. If I were a clone, would you tell me? Rick: Beth, you know, when smart people are happy, they stop recognizing themselves. And you're very smart and very much of my daughter. Beth: Ok. Rick: And just to be sure, you're not pretending to be convinced that you're real because you're actually convinced you're a clone and you're now terrified that becoming self-aware would mean I'd have to terminate you?