来自网友【Always】的评论2024-2-25e1 信息量爆炸,串起无数个坑。为了川香酱再拍97年!super fucked-up God!2.27e2 sum-sum好酷,绝对是遗传了rick;3.3e3 pickle riiiick!暴力美学+哲学浓度过高。指控rick“用智识证明病态是合理的”,可何为病态也是人定义的,so谁强谁说了算喽(不过rick确实在感情上很别扭,关于修补维持和清理是需要的);3.6e4 《这老逼》一款真情流露的drunk rick;3.31e5 rick and Jerry episode!我也想要90min剪辑版阿凡达😪e6 if God exists,it's fucking me.毒素rick才是rick精髓🤣以及双瑞大战也太酷了;6.8e7 种族平权陷阱。最后的bgm…the rickist morty果然是你;e8 笑吐了。这个家没summer得散;e9 关于道歉的一集。e10 beth还是克隆的吧
来自网友【玛蒂树脂】的评论Dad, I feel like I've spent my life pretending you're a great guy and trying to be like you. And the ugly truth has always been...That I'm not that great and you're exactly like me.Am I evil?Worse. You're smart. When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours. And I've never met a universe that I was into it. The universe is basically an animal. It grazes on the ordinary. It creates infinite idiots just to eat them, not unlike your friends Timmy.Tommy.Yeah, it hardly matters now, sweetie. You know, smart people get a chance to climb on top, take reality for a ride, but it'll never stop trying to throw you. And eventually, it will. There's no other way off.Dad, I'm out of excuses to not be who I am. So who am I? What do I do?My advice - Take off. Put a saddle on your universe, let it kick itself out.I can't do that. The kids, Jerry, my job, and, as much as I hate to admit it, ABC's "The Bachelor."I can make a clone of you, a perfect instance of you with all your memories. An exact copy in every way. It'll broad-cast-network reality TV on the same allegedly ironic level as you. You can be gone a day, a week or the rest of your life with zero consequences. The moment you decide to come back, I flip a switch, and the clone's job is done. It feels no pain, it regrets nothing, and has zero chance of going "Blade Runner."If nothing matters, why would you do that for me?I don't know, maybe you matter so little that I like you. Or maybe it makes you matter. Maybe I love you. Maybe something about your mother. Don't jump a gift shark in the mouth.I don't know if I can do it.Then stay, and luxuriate in a life you can finally know you've chosen. My secret bonus is that no matter what you choose, you're finally gonna chill the fuck out.Ok. I know what I want to do.