来自网友【雲水】的评论熏疼机器宝宝,就是个从小被爸比各种冷落可还是一如既往地爱着爸比的乖小孩,说maybe I should die的时候哭死了,最后选了根妹儿的声音也是各种催泪。主角各种便当已经痛到麻木,可是四叔的死法无法接受,直接上导弹不行吗,为啥要射成蜂窝😭剧还是应该追着看,陪伴的时间长一点,感情也沉淀的慢一点
来自网友【寞斯特】的评论如果你能听到 If you can hear this, 你已是孤身一个you're alone. 我唯一仅剩的 是我的声音 The only thing left of us is the sound of my voice. 我不知道我们是否有人活了下来 I don't know if any of us made it. 我们赢了吗 输了吗 Did we win? Did we lose? 我不知道 I don't know. 反正不管怎样 都结束了 But either way, it's over. 就让我告诉你 我们曾是谁 So let me tell you who we were. 让我告诉你 你是谁 Let me tell you who you are... 有人曾问过我 是否从中学到了什么 Someone once asked me if I had learned anything from it all. 就让我告诉你 我学到了什么 So let me tell you what I learned. 我学到了 每个人都会孤身死去 I learned everyone dies alone. 但如果你对某个人很重要 But if you mean something to someone, 如果你帮过某个人 If you helped someone... 爱过某个人 Or loved someone... 哪怕只有一个人记得你 If even a single person remembers you... 那么也许 你就永远不会真正死去 Then maybe you never really die. 也许 And maybe... 一切并未结束 this isn't the end at all. 这段话的结尾,正是机器回忆起的那段关于生命的感悟。“就让我告诉你 我们曾是谁,让我告诉你 你是谁。”这恰恰是The Machine讲给重新上线的机器听的。