来自网友【Rian】的评论很奇特的角度去倒叙,同时穿插旁观者的观点,即画中的人物是如何看待各位主角的,很有意思,他们自以为自己是客观的视角,但很明显是极富主观的。这部剧囊括了出轨、家暴、强奸、霸凌。It is nevertheless worth to see women would stick up together. More importantly, they prefer to communicate their feelings, their problems frankly. 时至今日,愿意好好沟通解决问题的人越来越少,somehow they do not have the patience to work it through. so vulnerable. In that situation, the consequence would be so much worse that this show. 所以,如果连沟通都难以深入的进行,难以真诚的交流,我们何谈了解真实呢?人与人交往中必定有摩擦,在不够了解彼此背景的情况下,你无法对对方袒露自己的真实想法,那如何拉进距离呢?靠天上掉下来一个机缘吗?当你有了预设,你的一切想法都是基于它的,而这些都很可能和真实相差甚远。But when you get closer to each other, tou will see these complicated, thoughtful, careless, and adorable person. You learn to accept differernt people, that’s life, not the contrary.