来自网友【浅浅】的评论CM s5ep16 这集真的好感人啊 一直坚持自己儿子没有死还动用一切理智学习分析收集资料的妈妈好感人好智慧 被绑架的儿子努力生存留下证据保护其同伴弟弟妹妹好智慧好感人 有其母必有其子 FBI的几只水准依旧只为正义深处黑暗好感人Emily Dickinson wrote,hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops at all.
来自网友【阿岐棱猫】的评论 E14:投资诈骗犯通常不会杀人。一旦开始杀人,那是为了掩藏罪证,lose control。投资诈骗犯通常把自己当做是戏剧制造者,傀儡师,对投资者以及整个局需要保持绝对的掌控力---传销。通常采用的公司名字比如xx对冲基金,xx财富管理公司,xx投资咨询公司,xx投资顾问机构,等等。 Forensic counter-measure: 假身份,一次性电话,外币账户,预付信用卡Dark triat: 自恋症,Markivilianism and abnormal self-promotion一个男人想要显得正常一点还是要组建家庭。娶妻的目的是作为一个看护获主妇,他们吧孩子当做自己生命的延续并且this fits their nasisic ego.E15: Show me a hero, and I will write you a tragedy. 儿子和母亲的关系微妙。儿子和父亲的关系又是另一个模式了。E16:Nichetz wrote: Hope is the worst evil, for it prolongs torment of men. E17: Family is the haven of this hard world.E18 Many persons have the wrong idea of what constitude true happiness. It is not atttained through self-gratification, but through true fedility of a worthy purpose.