来自网友【清泠】的评论第三集最后夏洛特发现了“国王的秘密”,第四集开始倒叙双视角,补全了前因后果,内心的一些疑虑和怨怼也消失了。转而开始心疼和无奈。 最喜欢的画面就是乔治不自觉的勾起嘴角然后露出牙齿傻笑,想要收起笑容然后又忍不住不笑。农夫乔治,国王乔治,科学家乔治……无论是什么身份,他是快乐的乔治。 两位贴身近侍,作为国王的人和王后的人,他们分别忠于国王和王后,时而有矛盾却也有真情。白金汉宫舞会两人在无人之处共舞,镜头一转年老的一人形单影只独舞,他们也曾说过“一辈子”,期盼着国王和王后永远在一起,也期待着自己的永远。 女性角色的友谊也很动人。丹伯里夫人,夏洛特王后,还有布里奇顿子爵夫人,她们谈论的不仅仅是老生常谈的八卦、故事、浪漫的爱情,还有更深刻的身为女子除了作为得体的妻子还可以怎么活,怎样维持对自己命运的掌控。 "Oh, how joyful it is to be a lady." 开篇是夏洛特在马车上和哥哥抱怨自己不得不七个小时像座雕像一动不动,丝绸、蓝宝石、200年历史的蕾丝还有礼服里面的胸衣衬圈是用鲸骨做的,一切都为了仪容得体。 "Nice to meet you here." 最后一幕两人在床底,正反打镜头,年轻的年老的牵手、对视,绝美的瞬间。每一次都是"you and me",他们成功了,一起“躲避天堂的人”,一起面对所有的难题,一起走到了最后。 用一句话总结:他们需要的是得体的生育机器。 -You were chosen. This is a great honor. -Oh, how difficult was it to be chosen?Someone who can make lots of babies. Someone who can read. Someone with all the social graces, with a royal bloodline. That is all they required. It is not an honor. 两人初见第一句话 -Hello, My Lady. Are you in need of assistance of some kind? -Uh, I am quite fine, thank you. 正式认识,得知身份 -Hello, Charlotte. I'm George. -I am deeply s...Your Majesty. -Not Your Majesty. George. I mean, yes, Your Majesty, but to you, just George. 第一集最喜欢的一段对话,又搞笑又感动。那一刻夏洛特愿意嫁的是乔治,不是国王;而乔治娶的也是夏洛特,不是王后。 -I do apologize, Your Majesty. -George. Just George. The "King" situation, it towers over us. Accident of birth on my part, but I thought, maybe, perhaps as my wife, you could ignore it, and I could be just George to you. That was, of course, before I found out that you do not want to be married to me. -I did not say that. -Oh, you did. -I did not. -You did. -It is not...Mm. I do not know you. -I do not know you either. Except that you are...terrible at climbing a wall. -You try climbing a wall in all of these garments. -What? -You are incomparable. No one told me you'd be this beautiful. You may be too beautiful to marry me. People will talk...given I'm a troll. -Your Majesty. -George. -George.