来自网友【刷鞋大王】的评论特别萌Kripke和Stuart这对配角,每次出现都笑得不行。Penny依旧是最恶心的人,和Leonard的无聊纠缠让人倒胃口。S05E01需要好好想想:This might take some thought.这是我们的优势:That's our edge.S05E02培养爱好:take up a hobby纠结:You fixate on SthS05E03有什么证据:Do you have any evidence to support that statement?我有预感:I had a hunch that +句子 [hʌntʃ]S05E04占他便宜:take advantage of him残疾人:handicapped peopleS05E05帮我拿瓶水:Can you grab me a water?有什么区别吗?What difference does it make?死对头:a mortal/sworn enemy你确定…吗?Are you 100% (a hundred percent) positive +句子S05E06那就确凿证明了…:It would be conclusive proof that +句子政治不正确:Sth might not be politically correct.唯一美中不足的是:The only thing that would have made it better is if +过去式句子放在第一位:make Sb/Sth priorityS05E08质量下降了:The quality of Sth has declined.小学:elementary school初中:junior high高中:high school大学:undergrad研究生:grad schoolS05E09害怕:be afraid/frightened of Sth害怕:have a fear of Sth害怕做某事:I'm terrified about doing Sth (S05E23)保护环境:preserve the environment辅修:minor in +学科用马桶冲走:flush Sth down the toilet克服恐惧:get past the fear还人情:return the favorS05E10出于好奇:out of curiosity, ...停车场:a parking lot [美] / car park [英]要怎么样你才会…:What would it take for you to do …请求人:It would mean so much if you would agree to do …S05E11谁能想到:Who would have thought +句子没勇气:lack the courage to do ...没能力:lack the ability to do …是某人的作风(网络用语即写满了某人的名字):That has Sb written all over it.减轻罪恶感:assuage your guilt [ə'sweɪdʒ]喋喋不休:harp on it精通某事:know your way around Sth这是我的经验之谈:I speak from experience.S05E12过机场安检:get through airport security会议记录通过了:The minutes of the previous meeting are considered read and agreed to.委婉说法:It’s a euphemism for Sth. [ˈjuːfəˌmɪzəm]把纸卷起来:roll up the paper敏感问题:a sensitive issueS05E13习俗惯例:It's customary to do ... [ˈkʌstəməri]牛肉干:beef jerky找停车位:look for a parking spaceS05E14出现最多:appear most often吸引观众:bring in some viewers碰巧:by coincidence贪心/得寸进尺:get greedy我不明白/不理解:What’s baffling me is …S05E15我给你留了些饭:I saved you some food.我正忙着我的研究:I’m right in the middle of my study.等会再说这个:We can circle back to that.在需要的时候帮我:help me out in a time of need我不会承认这种事:I'll admit nothing of the sort.有权享受:You are entitled to benefits (of …)容易引起火灾:That’s a fire hazard.无聊死了:I'm bored out of my mind.一切都是他自己造成的:He brought this all on himself.留出一天:We set aside a day to do …S05E16我想出了…的办法:I’ve come up with a way to do …他在研讨会上说:He told the symposium +句子说服某人做某事:talk Sb into Sth/doing说服某人不做:talk Sb out of Sth/doing我坚信:I’m a big believer in Sth/doing拓展思维:expand his mind保护她的经济利益:protect her financial interestsS05E17向…反映/交涉这件事:take this up with sbS05E18等你完事我来接你:I’ll pick you up when you’re done.我有预感:I have a hunch +句子S05E19轮流做:take turns doing ...把这两个搞混:mix the two upS05E20回复邀请函:send your RSVP in学学…的样:take your cue from sb/sth难忘的一夜:That was a night to remember.降低价值:lose/destroy its value压力:I’m under a lot of pressure (from Sb to do …)你比其他人更懂这有多难:You of all people should know how difficult it is to do …S05E21我不是要打破你的希望:I don't mean to burst your bubble.你记得我说…吗?Do you recall when I said +过去式句子设身处地为我想想:Try to put yourself in my place误会我的意思:take this the wrong way你好像不太懂:You don’t seem to be understanding Sth详细商量一下:talk it over with sb尽早:at your earliest convenience以其人之道还治其人之身:Let him have a taste of his own medicine. / give him a taste of his own medicineS05E22花开了:Flowers are in bloom.什么时候来?What time does Sb arrive?纠正/澄清一下:set the record straightS05E23开场白:opening line看邮件了解详情:I’ll watch my email for the details.阻碍你的人:the one who stands in your way破例:make an exception时间提前了:The time has been moved up. / Sb has moved up the time不该放弃这样的机会:You can’t turn down an opportunity like this.我害怕做某事:I'm terrified about doing SthS05E24按一下开关:hit the switch百感交集:I have strongly mixed feelings.