来自网友【水包酱】的评论虽然剧情内核预料中的family-friendly式cliché 但从真爱至上到帕丁顿熊到各种剧的Christmas Special 我是真的对伦敦式圣诞片毫无抵抗力 Christmas is not a season, it's a feeling.而英国人真特么太会拍出这种冷飕飕的空气中弥漫着温情 热乎乎的幸福感里又带着些许惆怅的feeling了。片中那段Bob躺着奄奄一息 邻居三个朝圣者的故事映照现实看得人好难受 James也是在coping今后如何带着这些年的相伴回忆继续走下去吧 In Loving Memory of Bob 再见了小橘猫 回喵星过的第一个圣诞也要吃饱穿暖啊
来自网友【a little mark】的评论In the loving memory of Bob...The kitty was a real angel, the world is a better place because of him. We will forever miss Bob the street cat.·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.