来自网友【昂昂万里】的评论唐娜-塔特的原著小说获得普利策奖,此片的编剧之一又曾经操刀过《绝命毒师》,所以期待较高。评分低是因为失望吧。不过我倒是蛮享受电影前2/3部分的悠长缓慢,我看到了一个孩子因为失去母亲,生活渐渐偏离轨道。我看到了孤独。以及对母亲的思念。最后半个小时电影突然变身枪战、悬疑,甚至有点黑帮片的味道。多少有些不适应。倒是开始期待读原著了。Theo的独白,关于母亲与失去:In Amsterdam, I dreamt I saw my mother again. She was just as glad to see me as I was to see her. Same beautiful pale blue eyes. Everything would've turned out better if she had lived. As it was, she died when I was a kid. And when I lost her... I lost sight of any landmark that might've led me some place happier. You see, her death was my fault. Everybody used to tell me that it wasn't. That it was a terrible accident. Which is all perfectly true. And I don't believe a word of it. It was my fault. Just like everything that's happened since. The painting. The painting. All my fault. I lost something that should have been immortal. I didn't mean to do it. Because what I've done cannot be undone. It doesn't matter that I'm going to die. But for all time, for as long as history is written, that painting will be remembered and mourned. 成年后的虚伪人生:I wear bespoke suits. I swim twice a week. I socialize with people I can't stand. I'm relaxed... personable. I don't indulge in self-pity. It's true what I read. We're so accustomed to disguise ourselves, to others, that in the end, we become disguised to ourselves. Hobie的仿制古董,Changelings。Mr. Barbour对水的描述和向往。Everyone's going to swim. The cure for anything is salt water. Greatest gift my father ever gave me was the sea. The love for it. The feel.Mr. Barbour谈到的艺术家:Maxfield Parrish, that's the one. Great towering clouds. When I was a boy on the water, skies just like that. Magical. Red and orange sunsets. Mr. Barbour最后死于水,一种命运的讽刺。妮可-基德曼饰演Mrs. Barbour与Theo重逢:When you were a child, I used to catch you studying my paintings. You'd always go straight to the very best ones. The Peale, the Lane, the Copley. I used to think, "Oh! A kindred spirit." 沙漠里的老师讲到梭罗,学生的观点也很有道理。-"However mean your life is, meet it and live it. It is not so bad as you are. Love your life, poor as it is." And what do we think about Thoreau's anti-commerce stance? -I think it's stupid. I mean, if everybody just dropped out and moped around in the woods, what kind of society would we have? It's irresponsible. Right. If it was just people like him, we wouldn't have stores, or television, or roads. 最后Theo的独白再次提到《金翅雀》这幅画:The GoldfinchCarel Pietersz, known as Fabritius, born in Holland in 1622. He's only 32 years old, but he's already considered one of the greatest painters in an age of great painters. He's painting in his studio in Delft when a nearby gunpowder store accidentally explodes. Neighbors pull a wooden panel from the rubble and on the panel is painted a goldfinch. For hundreds of years, it is passed hand to hand. It survives. Until me. To have kept it shut up in the dark all these years. A thing made of light. That only lived in light. I would've given it back. I swear. But it was too late. Things done that can never be undone. Things that come together. And things that fall apart. 其实他的母亲似乎更喜欢伦勃朗的《解剖课》。The Anatomy Lesson. It's a Rembrandt.