来自网友【Fancy。】的评论--You don’t have anything to prove, you know. I know you think you’re better than everyone,because you work at weekends and you swear and you go on marches adout tampon taxes and trannies.--I’m sorry,would you prefer me to just drown my potential in prosecco, and just squeeze out some pretty babies, whilst obsessing over catchment areas and getting my home featured in “ hound & gardens”?--Everybody loves a little bit of rebellion, but one always defaults to what one knows. Now, it might take some people longer than others, but it happens. My advice to you ,try not to make it too long a journey back because, unlike your brother, you do have a time limit. Good luck with your emergency. Don’t bother coming back in. No need to make a sense.--He’s obviously very generous.--Very rich, you mean.--I’m happy for you, darling. Really, I am, that you’ve found someone. I mean, it’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.--Really? That’s all ? Why? Anybody at all ? Doesn’t matter what they’re like, just as long as they’ve got a nice haircut and plenty of cash, right?--Sometimes, daring, you do sound like such a child.--Excuse me ?--Sweetheart, men are men. Quid pro quo. This is not one of the worst things you could settle for. You think you’re so emancipated,don’t you? That’s not empowerment you’re standing on, sweetheart, it’s privilege. By all means, carry on having sex with all these strangers , under the pretence that it’s you objectifying them. But, sweetheart, no matter what your politics are, they’re the ones showing off to their friends about the filthy posh bitch who demeaned herself for their pleasure. You think you’re better than these girls, don’t you ? Why’s that ? Because you know you could have any one of their husbands’ tiny little schlongs ? Well, I’m sure you’re welcome to them, because they have his money, his security and his children. You get to be a wife or a mistress , Eve, not both. At least these woman pretend to have class.--They fuck you up, your mom and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with a faults they had. And add some extra. Just for you.Man hands on misery to manIt deepens like a coastal shelf.Get out as early as you can.And don’t have any kids yourself.