来自网友【Chaos】的评论I am stereotypically biased against the condescending part of Sheldon, but I like the logical side of him.And I have grown repulsed by his mom. She striked me as a great and protective mom, and her accent was even cuter. But now she's just a woman who blindly and stubbornly follows and abides by her religion, and constantly does, without giving it any thoughts of probity, whatever it is socially and orthodoxly accepted by the majority.To put it nicely, she always feels like that something, which is of mainstream convention, must be done, but doesn't know why, just something that a mother should be doing.another way to look at it, cruel, but true, it's that she is a straigh-up hypocrite in the name of Christ literally, for the outcome being that she ceaselessly gets questioned, refuted, retorted and torn to pieces on simple and everyday matters.It frustrates me and it's kinda awkward when her frown gets twisted and her face distorted as she fails to find justifiable reasons and excuses to do or not to do something that she deeply considers shady and that may not stand, again without knowing why. All this baffles and bewilders people why she hasn't forsaken her faith unto Jesus yet.The caught-in-the-middle look on her face not only disgusts and repulses me, but it growingly starts getting under my skin. It makes me hate other people less whenever I see those sense organs struggling on her face.我越来越烦 谢尔顿 的妈妈了。一开始觉得她是个慈母,口音也很可爱。现在觉得她盲目且“倔强”地遵循自己的信仰。不经思考一味地做主流大众在传统观念上以为是对的事,说好听了是总觉得应该做点母亲应该做的事,但只是被主流观念所接受,但却不知道为什么要这么做,说得难听就是虚伪。结果就是,总是在简单的道理上,让人回怼得体无完肤。她找不到正当理由做或不做自己也知道站不住脚的事时,满脸纠结的表情,让人看着很尴尬,让人怀疑为什么她还没有放弃自己的信仰。这种难堪的表情,也让我很反感,甚至也让我开始讨厌她的口音了。